Sunday, July 26, 2009

What is your 2009/2010 show?

Take a minute and tell everyone your band show for the 2009/2010 season.

You can either click on Comment at the bottom of this post or you can simply do a new post on the blog.

I look forward to hearing what is going on with each of you at your schools and the ideas that you have for no doubt outstanding marching band shows.

Summer is gone....

Well... I guess all good things eventually come to an end. I hope that each of you and your band students have had a great and relaxing summer making you energized and ready for band camp.

I just wanted to wish you all luck as you start or have started your first week of band camp. The 2009/2010 school year is officially beginning for all of us. I hope that it turns out to be amazing!

I look forward to seeing each of you and your bands this season.

Good Luck!

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Monday, July 20, 2009


Interested in seeing a drum corp performance up close and personal? You still have time.

Drum Corp season is quickly coming to an exciting end, but you still have a few options to catch a show either live or in a theater. Visit for ticket information. There is a show in Gadsden, AL, on this Friday, July 24, 2009 and a show in Atlanta this Saturday, July 25, 2009. Ticket information can be found on the dci website.

Click the picture above to see the trailer for the Quarter-Final LIVE broadcast in theaters on August 6, 2009. The closest showing for us is in Trussville, AL.

Grab some friends and go see for yourself! You won't regret it.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ever thought how cool it would be to start your own rock band? Jam Studio (click here) can give you the opportunity to experiment and do just that. It is a free online studio that helps you easily create tracks that you can play along with on any instrument. Beginning or Advanced it is entertaining to play around with.

Have Fun!
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